Vortex Digital, Inc


Web Site Development Buy Here Participant Photographers & Photographic Supplies


VORTEX Digital Business Solutions Inc is an Iowa City based, full stack, digital marketing agency with the creative of the West coast, the moxie of the East coast and the values of the Midwest.

As a dedicated business accelerator, VORTEX Digital Business Solutions helps our clients in all aspects of digital business including business marketing and social media strategy, traffic (including SEO), customer-facing communications, web and graphic design, social media implementation, commercial photography and video, short film production and analog and digital advertising.

Since the launch of our first business-focused, customer-driven website in 1996, VORTEX has applied the principles of benefit-driven, attraction-based advertising and direct response marketing accumulating over more than four decades of in-the-trenches experience as a small business owner/operator. 

We’ve assisted hundreds of businesses, locally and across North America, in telling their stories strategically to attract and retain more clients and help them cost-effectively and efficiently achieve their revenue and related business objectives.

Vortex Digital Business Solutions Iowa City Cedar Rapids Corridor Business Journal CBJ Best of the Corridor 2020 badgeThis year, Vortex Digital Business Solutions has been chosen as Best of the Corridor Website/App Developer, first runner up for Best Business Consulting, and second runner up for Best PR/Marketing/Creative Agency. Jonathan David Sabin – Infinity Photographic was also selected as Best Photographer/Videographer in the corridor.

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